Monday 1 June 2020

Race cars

Race cars
You need:
 1 toilet paper roll,paint,hole punch, scissors, 4 plastic bottle lids, 2 toothpicks, 1 straw

Tal y como he comentado los materiales son todos caseros:
♥ Rollos de papel higiénico
♥ Tapones de plástico
♥ Pintura
♥ Tijeras o cúter
♥ Pegamento
♥ Rotulador permanente
 Palillos de dientes
♥ Pajitas
Podéis como siempre adaptaros al material que tengáis por casa.
First you have to painted each toilet paper roll a different color and the bottle caps black using a little acrylic paint. You could use any kind of paint you want or you could color them with markers.
Lo primero empezar pintando los rollos de papel higiénico.
When everything dried, I took a hole punch and punched for holes in the toilet paper roll where the wheels needed to go.
Aquí os dejo un tutorial para conseguir que las ruedas giren!! 
There is great tutorial for this over at which tells you exactly how to attach the wheels so they spin.
 While you're waiting for your toilet paper roll to dry trim your straw to just a little shorter than your toothpicks. 
 Punch holes in your toilet paper roll and thread the straw through.  Then insert the toothpick through the straw.
 Punch some small holes in the plastic lids.  You want to make sure that you get the hole directly in the center so that the wheels don't wobble.
 Put the wheels onto the toothpicks.  I ended up putting a little drop of glue on the outside of the wheel, right where the toothpick poked through, but it wasn't necessary.  I just didn't want the baby to pull them off and try to eat them.
Cut a hole in the center of the toilet paper roll for a seat and find a little friend who wants to go for a ride.


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At this point you can decorate your cars with more paint, glitter, or stickers.
Lego Duplo people make perfect drivers! Now it’s time to race!!

Hoy nos hemos entretenido en hacer estos fantásticos coches con rollos de papel higiénico y unos cuantos materiales más que seguro tenéis por casa.
Coches con rollo papel higienico paper roll carsCoches con rollo papel higienico paper roll carsCoches con rollo papel higienico paper roll cars
Como veis lo único que hay que hacer es pintar los rollos, una vez seco, cortar lo que sería el asiento, pegar los tapones de plástico como si fueran las ruedas y por último decorar como uno quiera…
Como complemento os dejo el enlace a este imprimible gratuito de Picklebums para que la diversión de vuestros peques sea total.

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