Tuesday 2 June 2020



 Let´s start checking our last work :

Now, think and answer:( piensa y di quién es quién )

My father's father is my  grandfather

My father's mother is my grandmother
My father's brother is my uncle
My mother's father is my grandfather
My mother's mother is my grandmother
My mother's sister is my aunt
My cousin's brother is my cousin
My sister's cousin is my  cousin

1. Write true or false 

Vicky is mad about football. T
Her favourite football team is Real Madrid. F
She goes to tennis matches.F
Her parents don´t say Happy birthday to Vicky.V
It´s hot when they go for a walk .F
They go to the ice rink. F
Vicky's friends have cards and presents for her. T

Is Vicky mad about football? Yes,she is
What is her favourite football team ?It´s Oxford United
When does she play for a team ?She plays on Saturdays
What does she collect?She collects football cards
What is Vicky doing in her room?She is reading
Where do they walk?They walk to the football stadium
Has Vicky got presents at the end ? Yes, she has

Let's start now with our class and activity books 

UNIT 6  


Hello ,children .
We are going to revise the present and the time  again . So we can use our class and activity books  ( Unit 6 )

Hola a todos -as. Seguimos repasando el presente y las horas , por eso vamos a ver la lección 1 de la unidad 6 de nuestro libro de inglés
 Empezamos repasando el vocabulario y las horas .

    UNIT 6    A DAY OUT


Museum : museo
Water park:  parque acuático, aquapark
Football match : partido de fútbol
Safari park : parque safari
Science centre : casa de las ciencias
Amusement park : parque de atracciones.
Music festival : festival de música.
Circus . circo.



 What time does ……………….open? It opens at ………………
What time does  ………………..close? It closes at……..

What time does the museum open? It opens at six o’clock.

OJO :  museum = cosa= it = tercera persona singular ~= hay que preguntar con “does” y añadir la –s en el verbo para contestar.

What time does the circus close ? It closes at eight p.m.

Traducción :
¿ A qué hora abre el museo ? Abre a las seis en punto.
¿ A qué hora cierra el circo? Cierra a las ocho de la tarde-

NEW   :

Si escribo las letras a.m. significa antes del mediodía ,es decir, por la mañana.
Si escribo las letras  p.m. significa después del mediodía , es  decir , por la tarde.

Now ,we start with the class book.

CLASS BOOK     LESSON 1 page 50

Exercise 1  Class book page 50   

Listen and repeat the vocabulary . Click here:

Exercise 2  Class book page 50

Listen and say the number. Click here 

CD3 2

Escucha y di el número . 

Exercise 3 Class book page 50

Write the questions in your notebook and answer .
Escribe las preguntas en tu cuaderno y responde. Si no te acuerdas , mira el dibujo

Time for your activity book .


Exercise 1 page 61

Write the words and match.
Escribe las palabras y une con el dibujo (pon el número del mismo en el círculo).

Exercise 2 page 61

Write four sentences about yourself  or your friends.
Escribe frases afirmativas y negativas sobre ti y tu amigo/a
Usando like , love hate ( gustar, encantar, odiar)

Acordaos : si hablo de mi amigo a amiga es 3ª persona singular ( he /she) y le añado s a la afirmativa y doesn´t a la negativa.
He likes   He doesn´t like

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